JUMP TOGift Local APIIntegrationGiftingSend a gift card to 1 or more recipients. [Authenticated; Perm: System Integrator]postIntegrationMerchantsGet a paginated list of merchants. [Authenticated; Perm: System Integrator]getGet a paginated list of merchants deactivated since the specified date. [Authenticated; Perm: System Integrator]getIntegrationRedemptionLookup a gift card for redemption. [Authenticated; Perm: Account Integrator / Member]postRedeem a gift. [Authenticated; Perm: Account Integrator / Member]postReverse Redemption of a gift from Integration. [Authenticated; Perm: Account Integrator / Member]postPowered by Get a paginated list of merchants deactivated since the specified date. [Authenticated; Perm: System Integrator]get https://qa-api.giftlocal.com/api/integration/merchants/get-deactivated-merchantsReturns 100 merchants per page.